Las Brasas Rotisserie Chicken Review

That old saying to never judge a book by its cover is so true when it comes to Las Brasas. Don't let this rundown shack in downtown Decatur fool you, it has some of the best Peruvian style rotisserie chicken in the city. The chicken is super moist and full of wonderful flavor. It comes with a salsa verde sauce for dipping, which is made up of cilantro, mayo, lime, and garlic and is oh so delicious! There is no seating inside, there are about eight tables outside where you and your dogs could sit. Regardless of where you eat you still order at the counter. Most of their business is take-out and they also offer free delivery if you are lucky to live close enough. It is over $10 for a whole chicken which is more than I spend at Whole Foods for their hormone-free rotissierie, but for a treat every now and again it is worth it. Tip - Make sure the salsa verde is in your bag before you notice it after you get home.